Existing or Past Members

New members can skip to the next section.

Applicant Information

Important Note: Please use appropriate upper and lower case throughout the entire application.
Home Address

Brokerage/Company Information

Other Mailing Address

Any Current or Past Membership

REALTOR® Status reinstatement applies to current members who have not completed member training requirements within an allotted time frame. Applicants should select this option only if they have missed a training deadline and have already paid membership dues for the current year. Upon reinstatement, members have 6 months to complete REALTOR® status requirements.

Membership Application Type

LCBR MLS Information

LCBR MLS Supra eKey Service

MLS Qualifying Broker Consent and Authorization

In order for an individual with your office to have access to LCBR Paragon MLS, a Qualifying Broker from the Brokerage must be a participant. If this Qualifying Broker application also includes setting up a New Firm with LCBR's MLS, then a one-time Company Registration Fee of $4,575 must be paid along with the Broker's individual membership fees.

I hereby certify that me and/or my firm has complied (or will comply) with the following MLS requirement:

  1. One-time Company Registration Fee has already been paid for my company or will be paid with my Qualifying Broker application.
  2. Monthly MLS fees will be paid upon 30 days of receipt for any MLS subscribers with my office that month. Monthly LCBR Paragon MLS Access per individual is $24 and an additional $16 if the subscriber has an LCBR issued Supra eKey.

MLS Rules Compliance and Acknowledgement

Current MLS Fees & Fines for Non-Compliance
Subscribers (Agents)
Letter of Warning (24-Hour Notice to Avoid Fines)
  • Pending Status Changes - A $500 first-offense fine, and $1,000 for second and subsequent offenses will be charged if no corrective action is taken 24 hours after email and phone call notice for failure to change listing status to due diligence, pending, or closed.
  • Photography and Image - A $100 first-offense fine, and $250 for second and subsequent offenses will be charged if no corrective action is taken 24 hours after email notice for failure to comply with photography and image requirements as listed in Section 4.13 of the Rules and Regulations.
  • Withdrawn Listings - A $25 fine and $25 per day (per listing) will be charged if no corrective action is taken 24 hours after email notice for failure to report a withdrawn listing within 24 hours (excepting weekends, holidays, and postal holidays) after the change is agreed to by the broker and seller.
  • Compensation References - The service shall immediately change the status of any listing that includes reference to compensation to Temporarily Off Market (TOM), and a $1,000 fine will be charged if no corrective action is taken 24 hours after email and phone call notice.
  • Inaccurate Information - A $25 fine and $25 per day (per listing) will be charged if no corrective action is taken 24 hours after email notice for the entry of inaccurate information.
Letter of Reprimand (Immediate Fines)
  • LCBR Supra Lockbox - An immediate $150 first-offense fine, and $250 for second and subsequent offenses will be charged for failure to affix an LCBR Supra Lockbox to a property listing without supporting documentation. A $25 per day charge will be assessed if no corrective action is taken 24 hours after email notice.
  • Temporary Off-Market Status Change - An immediate $100 first-offense fine, and $250 for second and subsequent offenses will be charged for failure to change the status to or from Temporarily Off Market or to submit a withdrawal request. A $25 per day charge will be assessed if no corrective action is taken 24 hours after email notice.
  • Directions - An immediate $100 fine (per listing) will be charged for failure to enter the appropriate directions as defined in Section 8.8 of the rules and regulations. A $25 per day charge will be assessed if no corrective action is taken 24 hours after email notice.
  • New Listings - An immediate $25 fine (per listing) will be charged for failure to enter a new listing no later than one (1) business day after the marketing commencement date as identified in the listing agreement signed by the broker and seller. A $25 per day charge will be assessed if no corrective action is taken 24 hours after email notice.
  • Multi-Category Status Change - An immediate $25 fine (per listing) will be charged for failure to update the sales of a listing entered in multiple categories or adjacent listings once one portion is sold. A $25 per day charge will be assessed if no corrective action is taken 24 hours after email notice.
Participants (Brokers)
  • New Licensees - An immediate fine of $50 will be charged to the Broker for failure to report a new licensee joining the firm and electing not to be a subscriber to the MLS within 30 days of joining the firm.
  • Listing Entered on Behalf of a Non-Member - An immediate $25 fine will be charged to the Broker for allowing a listing to be entered under a different agent on behalf of an agent who is not a member. A $25 per day charge will be assessed if no corrective action is taken 24 hours after email notice.
  • Inactive Licensees - An immediate $50 fine will be charged to a Broker for failure to report an inactive agent license within 30 days of removal from the company.
  • Branch Office - An immediate $1,000 fine will be charged to the Broker who allows licensees to be reported as associated with an office that they are not working from in order to avoid bringing a branch office into the Service.
  • MLS Access by Non-Member - A fine of up to $2,500 will be charged to a Broker for allowing any non-MLS licensee access to the MLS.
Additional MLS Fees
  • Listing Withdrawal - A $25 fee will be charged for all withdrawals of a listing prior to expiration.
  • Re-enrollment - A reprocessing fee of $200 will be charged to each participant who enrolls within 12 months of deactivation.
Note - The MLS Committee reviews fines and fees periodically. In the future, the committee may make recommendations for changes to the Board of Directors, so this information is subject to change at any time.

I cannot include any reference to offers of compensation or links to any documentation referencing offers of compensation in the MLS or any service offered by the MLS (This includes Showing Time).

I have reviewed the summary of MLS fees and fines above and understand that any failure to comply will result in immediate fees or fines being added to my broker’s monthly MLS billing at the end of the month.

Failure to pay monthly dues, service charges, and fines within thirty days of the statement due date, or failure to make good a check returned for any reason plus expenses incurred, within five days will result in suspension of MLS membership until the account is paid in full.

Designated REALTOR® Consent and Authorization

In order for a Designated REALTOR® and their REALTOR®-type firm to remain active with the REALTOR® Association, all licensed individuals with the REALTOR® firm must also remain active with a local REALTOR® association/board that the Designated REALTOR® belongs to.

I hereby certify that every individual holding a Georgia real estate license which is held by me and/or my firm has complied (or will comply) with one of the following membership requirements:

  1. Completed the membership requirements and is an active and paid member of a local REALTOR® association I belong to.
  2. Applies for REALTOR® membership to a local REALTOR® association within 30-60 days of becoming licensed with my REALTOR® member firm.
  3. Membership dues have been paid by the company and the salesperson will hold Non-Member Licensee status with a local REALTOR® association if membership requirements are not completed.

Membership Consent and Authorization

In the event of my election, I agree to abide by the Code of Ethics of the National Association of REALTORS®, including the obligation to arbitrate any existing or future disputes with another member in accordance with the Association's arbitration procedures. I also agree to abide by the Constitution, Bylaws, and Rules and Regulations of the Lake Country Board of REALTORS®, the Georgia Association of REALTORS® and the National Association of REALTORS®, which are made available to me at the office of the Lake Country Board of REALTORS®, and if required, I further agree to satisfactorily complete, within 180 days time, (2) two New Member Training Requirements. I further agree that my act of paying fees shall evidence my initial and continuing commitment to abide by the Code of Ethics, Constitutions, Bylaws, Rules and Regulations, and duty to arbitrate, all as from time to time amended.

I irrevocably waive all claims against the Association or any of its officers, directors or members, for any acts in electing or failing to elect, advancing, suspending, expelling, or otherwise disciplining me as an applicant, or as a member. Upon the expiration of said membership for any cause, I will discontinue the use of the term REALTOR® and return to the Association all certificates, signs, seals or other indications of membership in the Association, the State Association and the National Association of REALTORS®. I consent that the Association, through its Membership Committee or otherwise, may invite and receive other information and comment about me from any member or other person, and I further agree that any information and comment furnished to the Association by any person in response to the invitation shall be conclusively deemed to be privileged and not form the basis of any action by me for slander, libel, or defamation of character.

I agree that, if accepted for Membership in the Association, I shall pay the fees and fees as from time to time established. I understand that should I not complete (2) two New Member Training Requirements within the prescribed 180 days from the date of my application that I will be automatically dropped as an applicant for membership and that there will be no refund of any portion of the fees paid. I hereby certify that the foregoing information furnished by me is true and correct, and I agree that failure to provide complete and accurate information as requested, or any misstatement of fact, shall be grounds for revocation of my membership if granted.

I consent that the Association of REALTORS® (local, state & national), and their subsidiaries, may contact me at the specified address, phone numbers, fax numbers email address or other means of communication available. This consent applies to changes in the contact information that may be provided by me to the Association(s)/Board(s) in the future. The consent recognizes that certain state and federal laws may place limits on communications that I am waiving to receive all communications as part of my membership.

In the event of my election, I agree to abide by the Constitution, Bylaws, and Rules and Regulations of the Lake Country Board of REALTORS® and the Georgia Association of REALTORS®, which are made available to me at the office of the Lake Country Board of REALTORS®, and if required, I further agree to satisfactorily complete a reasonable and non-discriminatory written examination on such Constitution, Bylaws, and Rules and Regulations. I irrevocably waive all claims against LCBR or any of its officers, directors or members, for any act in connection with the business of LCBR, and particularly as to its or their acts in electing or failing to elect, advancing, suspending, expelling, or otherwise disciplining me as an applicant, or as a member. Upon the expiration of said membership for any cause, I will return to LCBR all certificates, signs, seals or other indications of membership in LCBR or the State Association. I consent that the information and comment about me from any member or other person, and I further agree that any information and comment furnished to LCBR by any person in response to the invitation shall be conclusively deemed to be privileged and not form the basis of any action by me for slander, libel, or defamation of character. Affiliate members shall not use the terms REALTOR®, REALTORS®, or REALTOR®-ASSOCIATE, nor the imprint of the emblem seal of the National Association of REALTORS®. I agree that, if accepted for membership in the Lake Country Board of REALTORS®, I shall pay the fees and fees as from time to time established. I hereby certify that the foregoing information furnished by me is true and correct, and I agree that failure to provide complete and accurate information as requested, or any misstatement of fact, shall be grounds for revocation of my membership if granted. BY SIGNING, I consent that the REALTOR® Association (local, state and national) and their subsidiaries may contact me at the specified address, telephone numbers, fax numbers, email address or other means of communication available. This consent applies to changes in contact information that may be provided by me to the Association(s) in the future. The consent recognizes that certain state and federal laws may place limits on communications that I am waiving to receive all communications as part of my membership.
In the event of my election, I agree to abide by the Constitution, Bylaws, and Rules and Regulations of the Lake Country Board of REALTORS®, which are made available to me at the office of the Lake Country Board of REALTORS®. If required, I further agree to satisfactorily complete a reasonable and non-discriminatory written examination on such Constitution, Bylaws, and Rules and Regulations. I understand that Affiliate Associate membership is only eligible to individuals employed by a company that has an active LCBR Affiliate member and that my Affiliate Associate membership will be discontinued if my company no longer has an Affiliate-type member with LCBR. I irrevocably waive all claims against LCBR or any of its officers, directors or members, for any act in connection with the business of LCBR, and particularly as to its or their acts in electing or failing to elect, advancing, suspending, expelling, or otherwise disciplining me as an applicant, or as a member. Upon the expiration of said membership for any cause, I will return to LCBR all certificates, signs, seals or other indications of membership in LCBR. I consent that the information and comment about me from any member or other person, and I further agree that any information and comment furnished to LCBR by any person in response to the invitation shall be conclusively deemed to be privileged and not form the basis of any action by me for slander, libel, or defamation of character. Affiliate Associate members shall not use the terms REALTOR®, REALTORS®, or REALTOR®-ASSOCIATE, nor the imprint of the emblem seal of the National Association of REALTORS® or the Georgia Association of REALTORS®. I agree that, if accepted for membership in the Lake Country Board of REALTORS®, I shall pay the fees and fees as from time to time established. I hereby certify that the foregoing information furnished by me is true and correct, and I agree that failure to provide complete and accurate information as requested, or any misstatement of fact, shall be grounds for revocation of my membership if granted. BY SIGNING, I consent that the REALTOR® Association and their subsidiaries may contact me at the specified address, telephone numbers, fax numbers, email address or other means of communication available. This consent applies to changes in contact information that may be provided by me to the Association(s) in the future. The consent recognizes that certain state and federal laws may place limits on communications that I am waiving to receive all communications as part of my membership.

Communications Consent and Authorization

EVENT REMINDERS PREFERENCE: Please let us know how you wish to receive reminders for meetings, classes, and events that you register to attend. You may select one, both or none. SMS (Texts) will come from two numbers: 678-212-5029 for registration reminders and 470-470-4995 for promotional texts. Please add us to your contacts!

Payment Information

To join the Association, you will need to pay the prorated amount of your membership fees and an application fee. LCBR, GAR, and NAR's fiscal cycles are based on a calendar year, January 1 - December 31.

Click here to determine the cost to start a new membership today.

To join the Association, you will need to pay the prorated amount of your membership fees and an application fee. LCBR, GAR, and NAR's fiscal cycles are based on a calendar year, January 1 - December 31.

Make check payable to the: Lake Country Board of REALTORS®
Submit payment to the Association office at: 5784 Lake Forrest Drive, Atlanta, GA 30328
Please include your real estate license # (if applicable) and your full name.

Important Notice

This application is the first stage in becoming a Member of the Lake Country Board of REALTORS®. REALTOR® type members must complete (2) two New Member Training Requirements within the next 180 days in order to maintain REALTOR® status. Notices with additional information will be sent out once your application is processed. For more information, please visit www.lakecountryrealtors.com/orientation.